They say it’s easy but the truth is, the road to success is a difficult one.
It may be filled with road bumps and unforeseen obstacles. Feelings of major discomfort and insecurities. Moments of feeling defeated are inevitable, but let me just tell you this — if you continue to stay the course it will be so worth it in the end.
I encourage you to climb (even claw if you have to) through all of your fears and failures. Take risks because that is what it takes. Every little thing that you do, every action that you take will help mold you into the person you are meant to be.
We all have hurdles to get passed. We all have our own mindset stuff we need to work on, and then work on again.
The truth is, sometimes I’d rather hide behind the camera than come out and face the crowd.

For me, it’s easy to take a photo or chat in front of my phone in the comfort of my bedroom. Hop on a LIVE? No problem. Get me in a room with a bunch of people and I immediately step back.
While I was pregnant with my son and gaining weight, this became one of my biggest struggles. I found my thoughts consumed with how I was looking. I knew it was silly. I knew it was absurd. I knew it was just a season. Regardless, it was one of my struggles.
Then, one day at church I was sharing with a friend how I was feeling. She hugged me, told me I was beautiful, and she told me to put my shoulders back and walk with confidence.
I didn’t intend to have that conversation that day, but the Lord knew that I needed it. He knew I needed a hug and He knew I needed words of encouragement. It was a reminder of how powerful our words truly are.
Just by simply breathing life into someone, it can change their day and their entire mindset going forward. After that day, I chose to stand a little taller and walk a little more confidently even when I didn’t feel like it.
And I hope that when you’re in a similar situation and can relate, that you will too. Know that someone, somewhere is loving on you and cheering you on even if you don’t know it.
And remember this, YOU are beautiful. No scale will ever take that away from you. And, you’ve got what it takes to do whatever it is you set your mind to.