A few years ago I said yes to a shampoo company. When I first started, I had no clue all that I would gain from that one ‘yes.’
Throughout the pandemic, week after week, my amazing team and I have stayed connected through team trainings, virtual launch events, opportunity calls, chats, threads —- all the things. Not once skipping a beat through all of the chaos. ?? My heart cant even deal.
In addition to our ongoing business chats, a group of us local girls started a chat where we could also talk about everything that was going on as it unfolded. It was a safe place to talk and share our fears, our concerns and our hopes for a better future.
Fast forward three months later and it has become a place where we have all grown.
Grown in our faith.
Grown in our beliefs.
Grown in our boldness.
Grown in our love for this country.
We all want to change the world somehow, some way. The question is how? Some of us have found our voices, while others are still figuring it out. But it doesn’t change what we want to accomplish.
We want to love.
We want to encourage.
We want to share hope.
We want to awaken the nation.
We want to stand up for what truly matters.
What does that look like? We don’t know just yet, but we are willing to step out in whatever way the Lord calls.
Sometimes it takes almost losing something to realize just how much it means to you. Freedom and Liberty will never be taken for granted ever again.
We the people. ??✊? Or better yet, just a few girls that love God and their country — and were brought together through some amazing shampoo.
Friends, this type of community is what so many need and want.
I have been sharing this business for the last three years and I will continue to do so because I believe in it. I see it. I know what it can and has done for so many.
Are you ready to be a part of it?
I sure hope so.
Several years ago, I prayed for an opportunity to come my way.
I prayed for a way to help financially.
This was my answered prayer and maybe, just maybe it might be yours too. ?